Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Is there a connection between logging and flood damage in Cakaudrove?

from w

There's not many details but one article from FijiTV suggests that the damage to villages and land in Cakaudrove, such as Vaturova (not to be confused with Vatuadova, sometimes spelt Vatudova in Macuata) was partly caused by illegal logging. I do not know whether these are old-growth forests or mahogany or what. the Commissoner Northern also said that after the disastrous floods in the Labasa area in 2003 he advised people to rebuilt on higher ground and to plant their gardens on higher ground, but this advice was not heeded.
Vaturova logging is connected with timber mills in Labasa so I would like to find out more information.

Logging and Flood Damage - From Fiji TV news 14th Feb
Poor logging practices blamed for destruction of homes in recent flood 14 Feb 2007 18:06:51
The Commissioner Northern's Office blames poor logging practices for the destruction of homes by recent floods in Vaturova on Vanua Levu.

And the Office has questioned the existence and relevance of the logging code. This is a common site in the eight villages worst affected by the flood in the district of Vaturova on Vanua Levu.

Commissioner Northern Misieli Naivalu says logs and trees destroyed many homes in the district. Work is still underway to asses the extent of damage to homes and the number of families that would need news houses in Vaturova. The Commissioner Northern's Office wants answers from the regulators.

Authorities want to know whether loggers have been monitored closely to ensure their business has been conducted in accordance with logging code. Naivalu says irresponsible logging must stop. He says proactive action is urgently needed to prevent worse flooding in the north.


  1. Are foxes watching the chicken coup? That's a sorry scene in the photo.

    So many times, in any country (especially the USA these days), the industry being regulated is the one running the regulatory agency.

    Certainly needs looking in to whether it is due to greed or ignorance.

  2. Many years ago Peceli had a go at logging for the mataqali, but without any back-up income it didn't work for us. The timber mill expected us to pay for the road into the mountain, then it rained, etc. etc.

    I would like to find out more about what is happening in central Vanua Levu regarding forestry and logging. Vaturova isn't even on the maps of Vanua Levu that I found, but I have been to one of the inland villages nearby and it was so beautiful with a lovely river....but this was not during a flood!

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    guys i am interested in planting few trees in my land in wainadoi but i dont know if it will takeoff, because of the climate condition in southern division. if anyone had done the research or planted in these areas please inform.
