Saturday, February 24, 2007

Help for Fiji children through Donation in Kind

from w

Heather Van Vlokhoven, Tevita Nakalevu, Caroline Caldwell and Jan Bullock are pictured here with boxes to fill a container to go to Lautoka for Fiji school children. The boxes include kits of school supplies and stationery packs for teachers, textbooks etc. Rotary clubs in Geelong contribute to sending containers to several South Pacific countries each year. This particular container has been filled through the assistance of sue Bolton and the Lara Girl Guides.


  1. Great deeds.

    My parents' Rotary club/district used to do the same thing.

    Hey - we're coming your way in March! J is speaking at an event in Melbourne.

  2. Wonderful to know that there are still Good Samaritans out there in this world of "self-centered" ethics!

  3. Heather has a passion for Fiji especially to help lower primary school children. This was a good project because it was partly gifts from children to children.
    Hey Nzm, coming to Melbourne. Great, we must meet up.
    Gilbert - the ones that do a lot of the hard work are the not-so-wealthy but get inspired to help, mainly through personal contact and observation of a need. That's one of the good consequences of tourism in Fiji - many visitors make a link with a particular famly/village/community.

  4. Rotary clubs have been good to Taveuni as well. One in New Zealand and another in Washington State in particular if I am not mistaken. I second what Gilbert said.

  5. Wendy/Pandamonium - Could we start a project to ask for computers that are to be phased out of a business (businesses usually buy new computer after 3 to 5 year use) to be donated to a charity to be set up and the charity then gives out these computers to rural schools in Fiji?

  6. Gilbert, it's already happening. Hundreds of computers are given to the local DIK and a couple of men go through them fixing them up, etc. to send on. The men have to be selective too because the recipients of the computers need to have electricity and also maintenance so the computers have to have programs that are suitable. But honestly a computer with internet can open up the world of knowledge instead of whole sets of encyclopaedias.

  7. Great. I'm glad that it's already being done.

  8. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Certainly a blast from the past!

    "Auntie" Heather used to be my foster mum for a better part of my childhood/early-late teens and a continued inspiration well into my adulthood (well early...)

    I am absolutely stoked (but very much NOT surprised) that she has continued with this much needed project, that I was much warmed to participate in as a teen - I too remember seeing the 'fruits of our labour' with my brothers and I going to Fiji during our early teen years - to this day I have never forgotten.

    In my adult years, her 'teachings' < -- not sure if this is the right world...'parenting' still strongly resonates with me.

    All the best, and certainly please pass on my warmest regards to Heather and I hope that she continues on doing what she does best :D :D :D.

    Fantastic to see the growing and continued support for her project

    Thanks and regards

    Jason O'Brien
    Geelong (now Melbourne, Australia)

  9. Hello Jason,
    Certainly I'll pass on your message to Heather. I can print out your comments and give to her.
    She certainly is a warm-hearted, but busy lady!
