Wednesday, January 31, 2007

One year since we started the babasiga blog

from w
Twelve months have gone by and bit by bit we learnt how to post pictures, place in links, etc. Have we wasted out time though? Peceli was keen for a few months and posted and now he seems to have left it to me! Sobosobo! The initial purpose was to promote Macuata/Labasa/babasiga with good news, but it is not always so in Vanua Levu or for that matter, Fiji as a whole.

Anyway the second blog, mainly about Geelong, developed later on and at least it got me back to the easel.

I wonder sometimes am I talking to meself and/or to strangers and some cheeky ones who post as 'anonymous'. Perhaps I should instead be going out into the streets and lanes of Geelong, visiting the sick and lonely.


  1. Happy anniversary! You have shared a lot of information and thoughts. I hope you'll carry on.

    Hmmm... cheeky comments posted as "anonymous" - why didn't I think of doing that? :P

  2. Loyal reader here, Wendy! Happy anniversary. Thank you for sharing your drawings, stories and photos.

    I combined your scans of the mongoose and lizard.

    Macadamia Nut

  3. Happy Blogversary!

    Keep going!

    I always stop by to read as your posts are so interesting!


  4. Thanks panda, macadamia nut (when are you going to blog?) and nzm.
    Macadamia, how did you combine those pics? The original pastel pic was even bigger than A3 so that's why I chopped it up. Perhaps some people take photos but I'm not into digital cameras yet but I would like to know how to produce 'whole' pictures. Peceli's paintings are far too big to post and they are already hanging on the wall - canvases.

  5. Congratulations. Don't worry, you're doing quite well.

  6. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Hi Wendy, It's me, Macadamia Nut. I can't figure out how to log in! According to their records I don't exist. :)

    You really should think about getting a digital camera, Wendy! They're easy to use and will save you money and time. If a photo doesn't turn out well, you'll know immediately. You can delete it and try again. I have a Sony Cybershot.

    As far as the lizard & mongoose image, I pieced it together using the photo program that came with my camera. I copied each of your scans and pieced them together like a puzzle. I'm sorry the mongoose's lips are off a tad.

  7. Happy belated anniversary! I, for one, am quite glad you decided to blog, so hope to see lots of posts from now on as well.

  8. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Lovely mages and interesting news
    liked the information on barkcloth thank you.
