Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Methodist church in the village

from w
The Methodist Church gets a huge serve of criticism in the Fiji newspapers as being conservative and aligned with the Qarase government so when the coup happened one spokesperson was quoted as being fiercely opposed to the military coup of Bainimarama. However since the appointment of a group of interim ministers, there has been a pragmatic response by Rev Ame - I don't think approving of the coup - but accepting the step forward in these appointments. The journalists quote something about 'the will of God' but I think that is simplistic. Of course some leaders in the Methodist Church in 2000 were is disarray, lost their way, and it was a time of great confusion for members. Today many people are also confused as people argue the case for and against. Most families have friends and family in the army as well as links and networks in many other aspects of Fiji society.

Back in the villages which are predominantly Methodist there are usually fervent prayers in households as well as Sunday worship, as people pray that Fiji will get on a right path whichever way it will be. A comment was 'what happens in Suva had nothing to do with us' but of course tampering with Fiji institutions and the economy certainly does impact upon distant places away from suva.

Here are some sentimental pictures - scanned from a larger painting of a Sunday in a rural village.

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