Thursday, December 14, 2006

When women pray

from w.
Fiji Times today:
Women pray for peaceFriday, December 15, 2006

Members of Femlink Pacific and other women at a peace vigil in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Suva yesterday. A WOMEN'S group yesterday started a blue ribbon peace vigil in church. Femlink Pacific members gathered at the Holy Trinity Cathedral church in Suva and prayed for the country.

"The blue ribbon campaign was first held in 2000 by the women's peace vigil.

"It was co-ordinated by members of the National Council of Women Fiji (NCWFiji) in 2000," said co-ordinator Sharon Bhagwan Rolls.

"We call on all Fiji citizens to wear a blue ribbon everyday as a symbol of their support for peace and democracy, the rule of law and active non-violence,'' she said.

"We call it a silent peace vigil because it is a time for us to keep quiet because there is so much going on at the moment.''

She said they believed it was an important strategy for the long-term reconstruction of the country.

"It is also important to reiterate that this is part of women's peace initiative.

"It is very important this time round because we are going to be adamant that women have got to be part of the formal process," she said.

"Unfortunately, even the so-called resolution in the 2000 crisis very much marginalised women and our organisation has been working on it," she said.

The blue ribbon campaign has been adopted by the broad membership of concerned citizens and non-government organisations which are part of the coalition for democracy and peace chaired by Suliana Siwatibau.

She said the coalition for democracy and peace was a non political initiative. It is a forum where all citizens in the country and members of non-government organisations can come together to offer peaceful options in a time of crisis.

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