Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy Christmas to the children of Dilkusha

from w.
I remember may happy times spent with the children at the Dilkusha Orphanage. It's a hundred years since a Methodist lay missionary started caring for small girls in the Nausori area, and then an orphanage and primary school were established a bit later. At this time in the year some people remember that kindness and gift-giving are part of the Christmas culture and give treats to the Dilkusha children. We lived one time at the bottom of the hill beneath the Dilkusha home. Some of the 'mothers' of Dilkusha I remember are Elsebe Smith and Gwen Davey and Deaconess Olivia.

One of the pics here was taken at Borron House a few days ago where the children were given gifts and the other pic shows Dilkusha Primary school girls dressed up for the 100 year celebration a few weeks ago. Happy Christmas to the children of Dilkusha, Waila and Nausori. Dilkusha is a Hindi word for 'happy heart'.


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    what a beautiful looking bunch of children , so sad to think that they are not with their real parents , for whatever reason . i wish them all a merry christmas and happy new year and hope fiji's political situation rights itself soon for the sake of all the children of fiji and all fijians .
    Mark Manning , sydney , australia

  2. Thank you Mark for taking time to read our blog. We mostly post innocuous positive stories rather than our views on the politics of Fiji as it's better not to stir on-line.
    The Dilkusha children are well looked after but of course living in a family with parents and siblings is the ideal.

  3. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Just wanted to let you know that my great aunt , Gwen Davey , a 'mother' at Dilkusha for many years was thrilled to see this site, recently. She has just celebrated her 90th birthday and a photo of Dilkusha had pride of place at her party. She has many happy memories of her time.
    She was thrilled and amazed to see photos of Dilkusha and her name in print online
    Robyn, Melbourne Australia

  4. Hello Robyn,
    Please pass on our love to your Great Aunt Gwen. We remember her very well. The staff and children of Dilkusha put up with my constant visiting over many years and I recall one camp up at Coloisuva where the girls taught me how to make square roti. Happy birthday Gwen also. Women like her are certainly the salt of the earth and have done more for the Methodist Church in Fiji than all the men who love to talk!

  5. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Hi Robyn,

    It was great to see people have many ways of catching up. I am one of the girls from Dilkusha home and Would like to do something for the home. I currrntly live in melbourne. I do remember your great aunt Ms Davey, Ms Karuna Gabriel often talk about her and how wonderful she was with the children. Wish her happy 90th Birthday.

    My Contact is 0431775081. Love tochat.


  6. Anonymous8:45 PM

    how is everyone one doing over there i was a little girl when i lived at that home but old enough to remeber am hopin to go back one day to visit if it wasnt for that girls home i wouldnt me where i am now thank you roo

  7. Joe Rahim1:03 AM

    Hi Helen
    My wife Rose Rahim has been friends with Beryl Barnes (60 Hastie St., Bunbury)for 60 years. Rose's mother was brought up in Dilkusha by Miss Smith (Miss Smith Nani to us all). Beryl's mom stayed with us in Suva for several months in the 1960's and we visited Beryl and her mom in 1968. Miss Smith visited us in Calgary, Canada in 1976 (?). We now live in Vancouver and just down the road we have an ex Dilkusha friend, Dulari. We meet often and conversation goes back to Dilkusha and the ex-Dilkusha "girls". Dulari will be celebrating 80 next month. Sita who lives close by is nearing 90 is also and ex-Dilkusha. They are a few more around here in Vancouver. We are also in contact with Mavis Sami who lives in Seatle.
    The legacy goes on.
    We remember our Christmas picnic at Miss Smith Nani's home in Colo-I-Suva.

    Loloma all

    Rose's husband Joe

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Hi, joe thank you for your response. Wow there are some ladies from really back in the day. Would be interesting to catch up with them. Im 37 yrs old. That mobile number is now void. Ive been in bunbury ober 20 years. Too long i think. Again thank you for your informative response it was nice to read.


  8. Anonymous6:10 AM

    It's me wikepa

  9. Helen Alford9:03 PM

    the mobile number is still current. hi to all and thanks for your reply posts. im 38 this year.
