Friday, October 13, 2006

Turaga the Fiji Mens Magazine - issue 1 and 2

from W
I guess if blokes can browse through Marama magazine, then us ladies can have a peek at the new Fiji magazine for guys - called Turaga. I have the September and October issues and they really are excellent - it's a companion magazine to Marama. Lots of glossy pages, pictures, and stories of different kinds of Fiji men. The pic above is the cover of the October issue. The picture below is from the September issue of Turaga with Rajesh on the left.

One strange story though - now ironic, in the September issue - is an interview with Rajesth Singh, Minister for Sport. A lovely frank and informative interview. Or is he a Minister nowadays? What a decent chap he is in the interview, just the kind of politician to really be in touch with people. Peceli said that he'd done some really grass-roots assistance regarding sports fields in villages. Way to go.

But.... what's going on in Fiji politics this week about Rajesh? He's been sacked from his position - after some kind of a run-in. Very hard to understand. What is going on?


  1. You can't put a good man down! I hope!

    During the Methodist Conference I visited Navuso village and close to where I sat was the school ground, all bulldozed and clean, a new playground. They told me the story of this new Sports Minister who came to Navuso 9 o'clock in the morning and the chiefs wanted to give him a ceremony to welcome him but he said no thanks. "I'm just coming to fix your school sports ground.' Then the people told me that this was the kind of minister they wanted. He doesn't want kava,he doesn't want ceremony, just wants to get the job done.

    I also went to Sawani village one day, and the people told me the same story of this very able Sports minister who did the same thing there.

    So I am very disappointed about what has happened and I certainly hope Rajesh will keep up the good work in spite of being put down from the ministerial post.

  2. Change is a threat to the status quo of some. Kudos to Rajesh Singh, too bad he didn't reveal all like he hyped beforehand.

  3. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Well simply i think Ganesh is doing way beyond positive attitude. I would prefer ministers to be somewhat like him.Atleast villagers won't waste finance even when they are trying hard to survive for their next meal.Who will prove me wrong?

  4. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Fiji Villagers aren't in that United Nations standard of desperatation as you claim 'for their next meal.' Resources from the sea and land have sustained us efficiently. Holding a ceremony is just a respectful code held by all Fijian villages and is the way of appreciating someone's abilities and efforts for better improvement and living.
    Yes, it saves the villagers financially but you cannot take away the code of respect that is unique from any other country in the world.

  5. Anonymous5:19 AM

    You can have all the fijian traditional codes performed but at the end of the day, the job should be done and it won't be done if you continue to sit in the 'vakatuniloa' having hours of grog sessions when you can just come, do the work efficiently and turn your focus to some other area which also needs help.
