Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Leave no footprints?

I wonder if they will leave a mess behind or leave some of the infrastructure that could be used again in the Wainikoro River area? There needs to be care taken about damage to the environment of course. Let's hope the Survivor Team do more than just take advantage of an interesting site. I hear they will leave a wharf behind on the river, but what else?

And I wonder what interpretation they will make of Fijian culture? Respect it, or make fun of aspects of the past. There is plenty of material there if they read up on what John Hunt thought of the people of Mouta, etc.! So when it is said that it will promote Vanua Levu for tourism, it is not as simple as all that.

However, eco-tourism can be a great way forward for Fiji, especially Vanua Levu where there are outstanding locations - mountains and rivers.

from Fiji Times today:
Province considers TV shoot spin-off
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

THE Macuata Provincial Council says it will explore the possibility of developing an eco-tourism resort out of accommodation facilities being used for shooting the Survivor television series in Labasa.

Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase said the Government would support the proposal if it was viable.

After launching the shooting for the popular TV series on Monday, Mr Qarase said he would encourage any such project under the Government's Look North Policy. Shooting for the series ends at Vunivutu in Labasa in six weeks time.

The contractor of the 170 units at the site Dick Beckett said 230 crew used the accommodation and at least 450 people would be employed at the site and for the show by the time the shooting ended.

He said he would take back his equipment and major infrastructure after the shooting but permanent improvements done on the land would remain.

Mr Beckett said millions of people would watch the show and a lot of them would be interested in visiting the site. He said it would be a good idea to develop it into a resort. Macuata Provincial Council spokesman Ratu William Katonivere said the eco-tourism resort idea was exciting and would be explored.

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