Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Foster's leap into the Deuba River

from W

Foster’s leap into the Deuba River
There goes the neighbourhood!

Pacific Harbour is a lovely place to live and the villas are very attractive. I've stayed there with relatives a few times. But oh dear, Peter, what was he doing there? Did he really dive or jump into the river at Pacific Harbour? Was it near the Rotary house built by the guys from Geelong? Were there any crocodiles left there after the Anaconda filming?

Some mothers do have ‘em, says Ms Vakaivosavosa, about this Peter Foster as well as Julian Moti over in the Solomons Islands!

What puzzles me is why Julian Moti was pursued so ruthlessly by the Australians over an incident several years ago - to be extradited, and they didn’t care a twig over Peter’s misdemeanours in the Yasawa Islands of Fiji – him, with a criminal record! The Pacific area certainly attracts a bizarre lot of dodgy people these days - and perhaps always did. And the islands have their own odd characters also of course.

From Fiji Times today -

Police have been pursuing Foster for almost two weeks over claims that he manufactured a series of false Internet sites, chat channels and emails in a bid to smear a rival resort development in the Yasawa Islands.

Immigration authorities say he was given a work permit, since cancelled, on the basis of a fake criminal history. Foster has been jailed in three countries over a series of scams, mainly linked to weight loss products.

At a press conference last night, Criminal Investigations Department director Senior Superintendent Josaia Rasiga said members of the PTR unit had seen Mr Foster outside a villa at Deuba. "The PTR managed to find him outside the villa and getting into one vehicle," said SSP Rasiga. "They followed him and when he saw police approaching him, he got out of the vehicle and jumped into the Deuba river. "Foster jumped into the Deuba river and so police asked for assistance from a boat owner who then loaned his boat to the police,'' he said. "They followed him down the river and when they came close to him, he went under water and hurt himself from the propeller of the boat."

SSP Rasiga said police in the boat dived into the river and grabbed the injured man.
"Mr Foster received a gash on his forehead but he is recovering and is in stable condition," SPP Rasiga said. He confirmed that Mr Foster was only wearing his underwear when he was arrested. etc. etc.

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