Monday, September 25, 2006

Speaking up or be silent?

From Peceli,

The Fiji newspapers are motivated by selling papers, so sent journalists to a secondary cadet passing out parade at Korovisilou, Serua, and caused a storm by translating Frank Bainimarama’s Fijian speech into English and published them.

And now there is a response by many different directions. This includes the American Embassy protecting themselves by saying that one of their men didn’t mean what he told Frank. And now there is a response from the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources. The Prime Minister also responded.

Vosavakadoudou – when you speak up – is a good thing in my opinion. Silence is worse and then the people grumble later.


Commander Told to Acknowledge Indigenous Fijian's Needs
By fijivillage Sept 26
The Army Commander must take heed of the needs of the Indigenous Fijians and support the Qoliqoli and Indigenous Land Claims Tribunal Bills.

After revelations that the military is expected to call the government to withdraw the controversial Qoliqoli Bill, Chairman of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources, Mitieli Bulanauca, said despite some concerns on various clauses in the proposed legislation, all stakeholders know the need for the Bill.

Prime Minister, Laisenia Qarase, told Village News this morning that the RFMF must raise its concerns with the committee and will be given serious consideration.

However, the army maintains that the Qoliqoli Bill will only divide the nation and needs to be scrapped. The Army Commander must take heed of the needs of the Indigenous Fijians and support the Qoliqoli and Indigenous Land Claims Tribunal Bills.

After revelations that the military is expected to call the government to withdraw the controversial Qoliqoli Bill, Chairman of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources, Mitieli Bulanauca, said despite some concerns on various clauses in the proposed legislation.


  1. A lot of retired Generals in the USA are speaking up against the Bush administration and the "Defense" secretary. Some have even retired early in order to do so. In the US it is an important tenet of the military to obey civilian command and not question it. This is to avoid military control of government or the threat of military coup.

    I wonder if it is wise for active military people in Fiji to be so vocal about political issues - even if I do agree with much of what is being said.

  2. I am pleased to hear that some retired generals are speaking up in USA because I have a strong opinion on what's going on there and what ought to be in our sick world.

    Re. Fiji... Frank Bainimarama has the right as an individual to make a submission or to have an opinion, but it is unsettling for us observers and the Fiji community when he is seen to be political and very passionate and vocal about a point of view not shared by the government.

    I guess moderation will be the way ahead for the controversial bills that is to retain the best parts and delete the sections that could lead to confusion and greed.

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