Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hibiscus Festival girls

I don't know if the writer of this letter to the editor in the Fiji Times this week is trying to do 'blonde' kind of jokes, as he sounds serious towards the end of the letter, but I think it's great.
Hibiscus humour
I refer to your Davui Column (FT 21/8) concerning a certain Hibiscus contestant answering in English when spoken to in Fijian.

In the days of old, there were many stories of contestants who made people sit up and think.

A few years ago a contestant was asked by the host of the evening, "What airline flies twice weekly to Japan?" She answered in the form of a question Air Fiji? In another festival a contestant was asked what her favourite dish was, her answer was pyrex dish. That will take some chewing. And in another contest a contestant was asked why she was still in her casual clothes and her sponsor must have given her money to buy new wardrobe. She answered brightly, saying, "Oh yes, I bought a new wardrobe from Courts."

I feel when application forms are sent out, people who respond should undergo an IQ test and pass it before entering the contest. Otherwise the quality of the festival will be brought down low. Remember winners would represent Fiji in other festivals in the Pacific and even world. Just imagine if one of the girls were asked to say something in her native tongue and couldn't say anything or asked who George W Bush was and didn't know.

Allen Lockington


  1. I remember the pyrex answer! It was from an Indian woman, and we were listening to Radio Fiji as they interviewed all the contestants.

    When she answered pyrex, that was the end of it for all of us - we were on the floor, rolling and laughing, tears streaming down our faces!

  2. Hello Allen,
    So you have caught up with our blog after all! I have read numerous letters from you in the fiji Times. Perhaps it's time you had your own website. It is very easy to set up a blog with google.
    Try it!
