Friday, August 11, 2006

cope and paste from tribewanted - Mali kids singing

The young adventurers had to buy a tabua (whale's tooth) in Labasa for a ceremony - and that is costly. They have visited Mali District School in Ligaulevu village and recorded the kids singing. It's interesting for me to hear the adverturers' point of view, their commitment to the project, their 'innocence' even.

From the Fiji blog on tribewanted. Go to the site and listen to the podcasts if you wish.
Friday 11th August

Podcasts from Fiji

On the ground in Fiji things are moving fast and Ben, Dan and Becky are learning fast about the cultures and traditions of Fiji from ceremonies to clear the land, Karva drinking and an introduction to our neighbouts - the children of Mali. In this blog we wanted to tell you the development of the story, all by podcast!

Thoughts by the sea
Check out the very latest podcast by Dan and Becky as they reflect on their first few days in Fiji. Dan and Becky speak of the ceremonies that they have been involved with, the preperation of the land and the unique culture in which they are finding themelves. Oh, and they share their thoughts right by the sea off vorovoro.

Podcast of the Children of Mali
Have you ever heard the singing of children in a third world Country? The singing of children who have nothing but their songs and smiles convey that they have all they need. Take a listen to this podcast and hear the sounds of the children of Mali.

An interview with one of tribewanted's environmental consultants
We have recently had Maleli Naiova - tribewanted's environmental consultant on the island conducting the Environmental Impact Assessment on vorovoro. We managed to grab an interview with him in order to keep you updated. Take a listen.
We hope that you enjoy the sounds of vorovoro - for tribe members this is becoming 'more real' everyday,



  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    From Peceli
    Spent a week in Mali Island there is a needs to upgrade the road from Vesi village to Ligaulevu so that school children can make use of the road

  2. Hi Peceli.
    It was really cute to hear the Mali children singing on that tribewanted fiji blog site. This computer is great for that. Junior has lots of bleeps and bumps and bangs as he plays games by the hour. We are gonna have a huge internet bill when you come back as we've gone over the limit for downloading!
    Watiqu sia!
    So who is going to pay for the upgrade of the road for the kids from Vesi?
