Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Cane cutting - sisters are doing it for themselves

Though it's not usual, women can join in sugar cane cutting gangs such as these women who go up to Labasa every year for the cutting season. The story is from the Fiji Times. Sisters are doin’ it for themselves!

Cane cutting in Labasa
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Friends for life... Dimele Valewale, Maria Joana, Amelia Verevakacuku and Filomena Matemaitoga of the Vanuavou gang. A group of women from Cakaudrove and Taveuni have developed their friendship over the years, harvesting cane together and living in the same house for at least six months every crushing season. They attract a lot of attention while harvesting cane in the Cawaira and Soasoa areas in Labasa because their gang is the liveliest and is dominated by women. Known as the Vanuavou gang they make sure that their target is met each day before they return home every evening.

They said their friendship had developed over the years because they have braved the scorching heat and the rain together in the cane fields.During non-harvesting season they return to their villages and concentrate on their coconut plantations. Ms Valewale said at the end of the harvesting season, they do a bit of shopping and return home to collect coconuts.

The women were from Saqani, Bouma in Taveuni, Wainika in Cakaudrove and Natua in the Wailevu west coast. They said although life was a struggle, they were happy to have work and make some money.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Cool story. The strength of these women goes far deeper than their muscles. What an inspiration.
