Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Apparently it's Blog Day! Isn't it always?

Now I do not like being told what to do, but okay, I will participate in this Blog Day thing, and find 5 new blogs that I find interesting. Don’t be offended if I’ve left you out! There are others that I read! And of course we have to promote our second blog-site geelong visual diary!

Not in any order:
M and J includes stories from a Fiji girl living in Bahrain.

Pandamonium from Japan who has lived in various Pacific countries so lots of good stories and pictures.

Julie’s Pictures from England – drawings, paintings, family life

Karen’s pics from USA –drawings and paintings

Life and Death - from Singapore, a very new site, a bit of a mystery man with stunning photographs from Asia and the Pacific.

Promoting Suva – for information for locals and tourists to Fiji’s main city.

And a website Tribewanted has the Fiji blog about an eco-tourism set-up on Vorovoro Island, Fiji.

And a website Jane Resture – with oodles of information and pictures from many South Pacific cultures. The site I've linked is her Fiji site.

Okay, that’s not five! I told you I don’t like people bossing me around! I'll tweak this posting later, maybe with some pics, but I have to go and speak to a writing group this morning.
The BlogDay tag : and a link to BlogDay web site


  1. Thanks. Posted my own five too.

  2. Thanks Wendy!

    And I'm not the boss of you! lol
