Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mangroves at Nukutatava

The original drawing was on orange paper, then I changed it a few ways using Photo edit.
Mangroves are sometimes seen as unremarkable but they are immensely important in the food chain for the Pacfic Islands. The Macuata coastline in Fiji has many sections of mangroves. At each end of Nukutatava beach there are mangroves. So, what happens when residents decide to chop them out? Less crabs, less fish, more erosion perhaps?

from the Fiji TV news
Loss of Mangroves – major cause for climate change
27 Jul 2006 18:04:07
The W-W-F, an N-G-O associated with nature is embarking on a programme to save Fiji's mangroves. A recent report by the United Nations has found at least 50 percent of Fiji's mangroves will be lost by the end of the century. Since the release of the report moves are now underway to spread awareness on how to save the mangroves.

Fiji has the third largest mangrove area in the region, behind PNG and the Solomon's.
And that vulnerability is linked not only to an adverse affect on our environment, but to the loss of our culture.

The area of Tinkinawai in Nadi where large hotel developments are taking place will be used as a cases-study in this Project.
There are numerous websites detailing the botany and ecology of mangroves.

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