Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Check out excellent Fiji website by Rod Ewins

I've been looking at old Fiji pics from an excellent Fiji website by Rod Ewins. Some links take you to some very old drawings, engravings, of Fiji. Check out the various links if you are interested as they complement Jane Resture’s websites on the Pacific.
The two examples of engravings I have used here are I. Bau Island in 1855 and 2. Hot springs on Gau Island. It will be interesting to compare the pic of Bau Island with a photograph taken in 2006 of the Methodist Conference to be held there next month.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    hi, seems the link to the website is wrong. Just delete the /index from the link and it will work.

  2. Thanks preetam. That fixed it.

  3. Wow. Great stuff. Thanks!
