Thursday, July 06, 2006

Another good man from Labasa - Krishna Dutt

Krishna Dutt is an excellent man, elected to Parliament and in the multi-party cabinet. There's some nastiness going on in the Labour Party at present and I'll say no more.


  1. re: your spider sav comment -

    Wendy - I've been using a Mac for four years now, so I'm not up to speed with Windows issues, but from what I've read, this file could just be a saved game of spider solitare which would reappear automatically everytime a game was played or launched.

    OR - it could be part of a virus called "BugBear".

    You need to make sure your anti-virus program is up to date and run it to remove any viruses on your computer. Just go to the website for your anti-virus - MacCaffee, Symantic (Norton), what ever - and get the latest update. If you aren't running anti-virus software, you can usually download a free trial copy.

    Good luck.

  2. Okay, I'll check it out. I have pretty good anti-virus software, even a firewall which makes lovely body noises when it's upset, such as when I look at some sites such as Stuck in Fiji Mud. Somehow it objects to something there. Ha ha! No, I don't mean the politics, just some advertisment perhaps. It grunts and growns at some of the Fiji news sites too.

  3. Okay, okay. I told Peceli I was annoyed by this spider file popping up and he said it's a card game he plays every day! So that's solved! Every time he finishes a game this file goes into My Documents!

  4. Poor Peceli. Can't even play a game of solitaire now without Wendy knowing about it....

  5. Kamahl Simmons12:10 AM

    Hi there. I wonder if you can help me. My mother tells a story of being helped by a Fijian Indian man named Krishna Datt when she had ran away from home (Kaikoura, NZ)to Christchurch NZ when she was 14 years old. She said he was about 19 years old at the time and judging by his birth year, 1944, this would make him the right age. He was very kind to her and she would like to make contact all these years later to thank him personally. Do you know if Krishna studied or lived in Christchurch as a young man? Or, would you know any way we could contact him to ask him ourselves?
    Thank you,

    Kamahl Simmons
