Saturday, June 24, 2006

Some pics related to Labasa and babasiga

I found a few pics by other people of Labasa and babasiga land to remind us that this blog is supposed to be about Labasa! They are of the Savusavu-Labasa road, a floating island, snake rock Indian temple, Labasa River, a logging truck going down the main street of Labasa and the bus station.


  1. Nice pics. I've not visited Labasa yet. Looking forward to it.

  2. Labasa is not on the usual track for visitors because of distance.

    Nukubati Resort, down the coast, attracts some people.

    Peceli's idea of this blog is to inform people that Labasa is there! - and does have places of interest for tourists and developers. The Vorovoro Island project certainly will be interesting.

    Way back in the 70s our little bures were available for tourists - at about $4 a night. We were naive certainly and at the time the Fiji Visitors Bureau did not think back-packing or eco-tourism was important. Nukutatava just become a home for relatives and a couple of hurricanes knocked down the pretty houses we built. The beach is still there and there is still the possibility of development.

  3. Ashwin Chandra1:36 PM

    Vorovoro Island near Malau is getting a tourist attraction with primitive bures built tocater for the tourists. I understyabd there is a hotel also there. Lovely plaace to visit.
