Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Let me take you by the hand and walk you...

through the streets of Suva....
Princess Anne is visiting Fiji next month. She is one of the few royals who does seem to spend time on social justice issues. Let's hope that the NGOs in Suva will take her by the hand and allow her to meet and greet street-kids, people with disability, and those who struggle in life, rather than her itiniery be filled with meeting bling-bling high society.

from Fiji Live today
Fiji tour for Princess Royal
Thursday June 15, 2006

Princess Anne, the daughter of Queen Elizabeth II, will pay a private four-day visit to Fiji next month. She will arrive on July 6 and departs the country on July 9.
Princess Anne will stop over on her way to New Zealand where she is deputising for her father, the Duke of Edinbrough Prince Philip, for the Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialogue (EPLD). Prince Philip is the patron of EPLD.

As in any visit by a member of the Royal Family, the Fiji Government will host Princess Anne at Borron House and accord her a State banquet at Government House a day before her departure.

A committee, including representatives from Foreign Affairs, the military and Fiji Police, has been formed to prepare for the visit.

She is also expected to open the soon-to-be-completed Great Council of Chiefs complex in Nasova.

While in Fiji Princess Anne will visit several NGO projects and the UNAIDS scheme. She is the patron of the International AIDS committee.


  1. I will be civil and stuff a sock in my mouth regarding "royal" visits.

  2. Yes, Panda. Sometimes we have to just keep quiet about class, injustice, silver spoons - because yelling just hurts us.
    But she is, maybe, better than most of her relatives. Instead, we need to do out bit for the republican movement in our respective countries. If/when I go to one of Peceli's Rotary club dinners as his 'good wife' and they do a toast to the Queen, I always add, loud enough to be heard, 'and the future republic of Australia'.
    It is disappointing when a struggling country like Fiji has to spend thousands to give a member of the British Royals a 'dignified' welcome. Anne should come in almost incognito, meet the NGOs of interest, encourage them, then hop back on the plane.

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I think she's in dire need of a change of hairstyle. H e l l o !!
