Monday, June 05, 2006

'The Land has Eyes' now on Oz TV

The movie 'The Land has Eyes' will be screened on our Australian TV tonight (Tuesday) 11 p.m. SBS. It's about life in Rotuma, a Polynesian island which is part of the Fiji group, a people with their own language and culture.

Vilisoni Hereniko is a writer and academic and was the artistic mind behind the production of this movie. He says, "It is my hope that audiences everywhere will not only be entertained by this story, but will walk away with a precious sense about Rotuma, its culture and its people. More than ever before, may we all recognize that we need the wisdom of our ancestors. With this film, I want to express the ancient Rotuman belief that:
the land has eyes
the land has teeth
and knows the truth.

May justice prevail, not just in film, but also in real life.'


  1. This is an award winner so it must be a very good movie. Enjoy it.

  2. It's a shame that it really hasn't been advertised in the TV guide. Not even a mention. I might phone a couple of friends to remind them or they'll miss it.
    I checked out your blog happysurfer and you write some interesting posts -and nice pics too.

  3. Happy - fancy meeting you here.

    I'm looking forward to seeing this movie sometime. I keep a written list of such things (movies to see, books to read, etc.) so I don't forget.

  4. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Vasu ni Lutu Wainibuka , Naitasiri.

    Media Manager for Radio531pi
    Auckland New Zealand.
