Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Fiji Sugar Cane Story and "Tears in Paradise"

Other people can more eloquently tell the painful story of the early years of the sugar industry in Fiji because aspects of it have been called 'a crime against humanity' in the treatment of the girmit workers who were indentured from India in those early days. Rajendra Prasad writes the story in 'Tears in Paradise' based on his family history in the Ba area of Fiji. The website about the book is informative with excerpts, a letter to the Colonial Sugar Refining Co. and recommendations.


  1. Looks like an interesting read that may help some people still.

    Japan enticed people to leave after world war two (there was not enough food) by offering farms in the Dominican Republic of all places. When they got there, the land given them was not farmable. Their struggle to be compesated is still going on.

  2. this is nicole from thank you so much for the information and advice that you left on my blog, it came just 2 days before we leave! I cant beleive you even stumbled on my blog, thats great! Im really excited to go, from the fijian people i have already met, i love their culture alot, they are so kind and giving, hopsitable. Thanks again!

  3. Hi Panda,
    I've found an encyclopedia of Fiji from 1907 and will post some bits and pieces from that. The viewpoint is so colonial and the attitudes towards both Fijians and Indians often appalling. The book was put out to entice 'white' investors to move to Fiji.
    Hi Nichole,
    So you are on your way! There are internet cafes in Victoria Parade Suva, and even Labasa at Govind's restaurant if you want to catch up with email, etc. But I am sure you will be too busy for that!

  4. That encyclopedia info will be interesting. I once found two very large volumes (large pages, not such thick books) in an antique store. They were from the turn of century as well and were about the Philippines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. The title was interesting for US books "Our Islands and Their Peoples". The US had just won the Spanish American War.
