Sunday, June 18, 2006

Fiji Living Magazine

We've been reading the June/July issue of the new magazine launched in Fiji recently. Lots of good pics and articles, gutsy, relevant. Though the senior gentleman on the cover mightn't really attract the young people the magazine is intended for! The price of $2.99 is quite reasonable.

A review of the magazine is below:

By Erica Lee and Sukulu Rupeni

SUVA: (Wansolwara/Pacific Media Watch): A group of young journalists and designers have launched a new lifestyle publication, Fiji Living, that hit the stores in April. The magazine is the brainchild of editor Stanley Simpson, a University of the South Pacific journalism graduate.

A colourful, vibrant, and hip magazine, it has articles on local celebrities, cars, politics, health, the latest fashion tips, music and art, food, animal care, current affairs, crossword puzzles and the odd joke or two.

Simpson, founding editor of the USP journalism programme newspaper Wansolwara, has worked with NGOs since graduating in 1998. He said he had dreamed of returning to journalism. He took on the challenge of starting a new magazine because he wanted to do something adventurous.

He described Fiji Living as a family-based magazine that, - as the title suggests - is about life in Fiji."This magazine can be read and enjoyed by parents, teenagers and children. This is a magazine for the future," said Simpson.

A youthful and talented team of emerging writers and graphic artists are behind the venture. They include former Fiji TV reporter Imraz Iqbal, creative director Josua Toganivalu and graphic assistant Bilitaki Lovo. Contributing writers include former USP journalism student Angeline Lal.

The cover girl in the first issue is local Fiji TV personality, Irene Edwards, who hosts the locally produced TV comedy, P.I.P.E. Four pages are dedicated to profiling the 25-year-old who has been in television for the past 10 years. The magazine reports that her fame has brought her a very persistent stalker.

There is a piece on the famous coffee shop, Headworks, run by the Bulatiko siblings, a story on Mereoni Taginadavui’s struggle with cancer, a question and answer interview with local rapper Sammy G and recipes by Tracey Powell.

The magazine also has a serious side and highlights issues of national concern such as road safety, crime and health.

The first-issue editorial by Simpson describes Fiji as country of many contradictions."We can be as modern as Sydney, yet as backward as Sudan," he wrote."Fiji Living aims to showcase the best and the worst of both worlds in full colour, analysis and character," he added.

Simpson aims to use his background in journalism, history and politics and environmental activism to take the magazine to new heights.


  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Sounds fantastic - where can we buy it in Auckland, send some over shud be a hit with the gangs here. Cheers

    Full moon

  2. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Fiji Living magazine has still not paid me moneys owed for image contributions in July 2007. I have sent several reminders and e-mails to their staff, but the payment has been ignored. I strongly suggest you boycott this magazine, and certainly don't expect payment if you provide them with any content.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that. Is the magazine still going? My family gave me copies of 'Marama' and 'Turaga'magazines but I haven't seen a recent copy of 'Fiji Living'. They don't seem to have a website. I think that they ran into a problem with the Interim Government because the people behind the magazine were activists - so maybe they discontinued. I really don't know.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Fiji Living is still being published and no they did not run into any problems with the interim government. I am proud they tried to stand up for their country. for 2nd comment posted above, i personally know the staff at Fiji Living. I suggest you send an invoice for your payments instead of sending remainders. i believe all payments work through invoices...

  6. for comment posted above, Fiji Living never refused to pay for images used but like any normal payment would be done, you are expected to send over an invoice by which payments are passed. i would suggest to inquire reasonably before you send comments like one sent above
