Monday, May 22, 2006

Ministers in Qarase cabinet so far

from Peceli
I listened to the Fiji radio and heard the list first on the Hindi program, then opened Fijilive. Not many surprises for me. What do you think? Also, Krishna Dutt had earlier commented that Labour would join the multi-party cabinet. He said that even the mountain is high, we can reach there. I guess that by next week it be settled.

No surprises in Cabinet line-up

Tuesday May 23, 2006

There have been no major surprises in the Cabinet line-up sworn in at Government House this morning by the President, Ratu Josefa Iloilo.

Despite a few reshuffles in ministerial appointments, the most surprising appointment has been the retention of Kaliopate Tavola as Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade.

Tavola did not contest the recent election, choosing to step down before the polls. It is most likely that he will be appointed to Senate alongside Qoriniasi Bale, who is back as Attorney-General and Justice Minister.

As the swearing in took place, Fiji Labour Party MPs boycotted by holding a caucus meeting in Parliament to decide the party's next step.

It is understood FLP MPs were unhappy with Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase's decision to rejig the line-up handed to him by Labour leader Mahendra Chaudhry.

Minister sworn in this morning were
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice: Qoriniasi Bale,
Finance: Ratu Jone Kubuabola,
Education: Ro Teimumu Kepa,
Tourism and Transport: Tomasi Vuetilovoni,
Fijian Affairs, Lands and Provincial Development: Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu,
Fisheries and Forests: Ilaitia Tuisese,
Home Affairs and Immigration: Josefa Vosanibola,
Information and Communications: Isireli Leweniqila,
Public Utilities and Reforms: Savenaca Draunidalo,
Women: George Shiu Raj,
Multi-Ethnic Affairs: Ratu Meli Saukuru and Tavola.

Qarase also named 12 ministers of State to help the line ministers with their portfolios.


The Labour party ministers have been okayed now also and will probably be sworn in this afternoon.
Labour MPs named in the Cabinet are: Minister of Environment: Poseci Bune, Minister for Labour and Industrial Relations: Krishna Datt, Minister for Curative Health Services: Dr Gunasagaran Gounder, Minister for Agriculture: Gyani Nand, Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources: Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi, Minister for Primary and Preventative Health Services: Udit Narayan, Minister for Local Government and Urban Development: Chaitanya Lakshman, Minister for Employment Opportunities and Productivity: Felix Anthony and Minister for Commerce and Industry: Adi Sivia Tora.

from Wendy

And there's more! Now they have cut up the pieces of the cake and all of these guys have a kind of status, (nice cheques and cars perhaps) let us pray with a sigh that each one will become passionate and committed to their field.

Fiji Village has now filled in a few gaps that Fijilive this morning didn't get to. Perhaps Peceli and I can get back to 'babasiga' news and away from the topic of politics!
From Fiji Village

The SDL ministers were sworn in this morning at Government House. They are:

Prime Minister and Minister for Sugar Reform: Laisenia Qarase

Attorney General and Minister for Justice: Qoriniasi Bale

Minister for Finance and National Planning: Ratu Jone Kubuabola

Minister for Education, Youth and Sports: Ro Teimumu Kepa

Minister for Fijian Affairs, Lands and Provincial Development: Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu

Minister for Fisheries and Forests: Ilaitia Tuisese

Minister for Information and Communications: Sireli Leweniqila

Minister for Public Sector Reform: Savenaca Draunidalo

Minister for Women, Social Welfare and Poverty Alleviation: George Shiu Raj

Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade: Kaliopate Tavola through Senate

Minister for Tourism and Transport: Tomasi Vuetilovoni

Minister for Multi Ethnic Affairs and National Reconciliation and Unity: Ratu Meli Saukuru

Minister for Infrastructure and Public Utilities: Robin Irwin

Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration: Josefa Vosanibola

12 Ministers of State
Minister of State for Housing: Adi Asenaca Caucau

Minister of State for Youth and Sports: Rajesh Singh

Minister of State for Provincial Development: Ted Young

Minister of State Public Utilities and Reforms: Samisoni Tikoinasau

Minister of State PM's Office: Losena Salabula

Minister of State Fijian Affairs: Ratu Suliano Matanitobua

Minister of State Agriculture, Alternative Livelihood and Outer Island Development: Ratu Josefa Dimuri

Minister of State Immigration and Ex Servicemen: George Konrote

Minister of State National Planning: Ratu Jone Navakamocea

Minister of State Small Micro Enterprise and IT Industries: Pio Tabaiwalu.

Minister of State, Prison and Correction service: Inoke Luveni.

Minister of State Education, Technical and Vocational and Special Education: Paulo Ralulu.

Another memo: Vakaivosavosa's post informs us that Felix Anthony prefers to support Mahendra Chaudhry in the Opposition benches and that Ragho Nand will look after Employment Opportunities and Productivity. I hope I don't have to edit this post any more times before the swearing in tomorrow morning at 11 a.m. of the Labour men and women!

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