Sunday, May 14, 2006

Grand Eastern Hotel Labasa

There's very little about the Grand Eastern Hotel via Google so they need to get more publicity out there! My pics are -1. from a pamphlet when we visited there. 2. an artist's view of the same hotel!
Some of our relatives have stayed there and been happy with the facilities.

Advertisements about hotels in Fiji can be deceptive though. Perhaps the swimming pool is smaller than indicated. Perhaps the river is not pristine. But the mountains are grand, and the people are friendly. It's 2 minutes walk to the main shopping street. Once owned by the Gibsons when it was a quaint colonial style hotel, our eldest sister-in-law worked there in the 40s, a niece in the 80s. Today it's used mainly by visiting professionals and businessmen I reckon.

Advertised as follows:
Per person/per night based on twin share - PRICE CATEGORY
Grand Eastern Hotel Vanua Levu, Labasa Fiji Islands US$50-$100
A 24-room hotel with modern facilities, situated on the banks of the Labasa River. Spectacular backdrop of mountain ranges. Air-conditioned rooms, swimming pool, TV, internet facilities.


  1. Vinaka Adi Senitoa. It has improved a lot in recent years. I don't stay there 'cos there are too many relatives to stay with and Vatuadova village of course.
    Good to know you are blogging. Lots of pessimistic stuff is said about Fiji so I hope you have a mix of reality, optimism, and humour!

  2. It needed to improve a lot since the Gibsons' time! The pool had a murky quality in those days, cleanliness wasn't a priority then, though you could get a huge generous meal of Fijian proportions.

  3. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Bula Sia

    I stayed there while visiting my family last June and there was a scary incident when someone passing by the river slowly approached our room. I was unable to contact security as no one was manning the phones. Apparently, a lot of men drink on the river bank and have been known to wander into vacant rooms and fall asleep after a night on the yaqona. Apart from that thought, the staff where great and the service was fantastic!

  4. Hi Mereoni,
    I hope you told the staff about the incident as they need to know and to beef up their security.
    Peceli is in Labasa at present staying at the village.

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