Monday, May 29, 2006

Fiji farm workers in Australia

from Peceli

One of the few examples of temporary work visas to Australia is through the tobacco industry. Groups of Fiji people come to places like Myrtleford to pick tobacco and then return to Fiji after four months. This is a successful project so far.

However there are hundreds of fruitgrowers in Australia that really want Pacific workers for grapes, oranges, soft fruits etc. Unfortunately the immigration system does not encourage, in fact refuses these farmers, access to labourers from the Pacific for short term work. The subject has been raised time and time again and the Australian government does not like the idea of bringing in many unskilled labourers from the South Pacific but only encourage skilled migration. This is a great pity.

The money raised by Fiji people overseas is usually sent back to Fiji and totals millions of dollars - military, rugby, other sports, security, and other jobs. Those who migrate also send money back. These remittances are worth more than even Fiji tourism!

in Fijilive today:

According to the Anarkismo newspaper farmers in Australia demands for Fiji farmers far exceed all other countries.

A middle man for the British American Tobacco Company who employs 10 Fijian farmers says that Fijians are very reliable and is very disappointed that the farmers have to fly home after every 4 months due to their contract.

According to the Australian Department of Immigration and Multi-Cultural Affairs, Australian farmers are pushing for easier and more accessible entry for Fiji farmers to Australia.

A survey conducted showed that the flow of temporary workers to Australia has tripled in a decade, taking in 50,000 skilled foreigners annually.

Meanwhile a report also showed that Fiji citizens working overseas send home more than $262 million more than what the Tourism Industry in Fiji earn.


  1. The figure of 50,000 has little to do with Fiji. The Australian govt started a scheme for mainly Asians to get temporary work visas in rural areas and that has not worked well. Twenty IT guys came to our city from Asia on this scheme and couldn't get jobs!
    It's in the farming community that Pacific Islanders would be very useful but the current policy of the Australian government does not allow this - except for isolated cases such as the tobacco industry.
    Of course young backpackers from Europe can get work in Australia!

  2. i need farm worker job permanent and full time. intrested employer plz contact my email

    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Hi......I would be most interested in that job stated.....ever since I left school in 2004 I got into farming in the island of kadavu south of fiji planting taro and yaqona and from there I work in a piggery of a herd of 3000 for two years....... So if u r interested for further information u can e mail me at Thanks

    2. Its an honor for me to work in your farm

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Hi there,
    me and my husband would like a chance to go the australia and work in the farm. it would not have to full time part at least for six months then we have to come back to fiji. if there is an employer there who would like a couple to look afer the farm, do email me:

  5. Hello,
    me and me dad would like to work in australia as farm workers temporarily for at least 6 months if any employer wants hiz oh her farm to be looked after please email me at oh contact 7243485

  6. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Hi Im Apo from Suva Fiji Im a single guy wanting to come to Australia to work in the farm for at least 6 months or so I dont have a family member who can sponsor me over please call me on 9314508 or
    my email:

  7. Anonymous9:20 PM 20 years old who loves farming and i desperately need this job...willing to work long hours..please call me [679]9530911

  8. hi my dad in Fiji is looking for fruit picking seasonal jobs in Australia. he has already worked in Australia in 2000 and 2001 from the group which went for tobacco farming. He also has the tax file number for the taxes paid and also the provident fund account in Australia. can contact on

  9. Hello, everyone we offers international loans. With the capital used for long-term loans etc, also we give out loans at 2% interest rate so if yes you are really serious in need of a loan to pay off your bills or settle your debt please contact us at our company email address: or whatsApp number: +1(571)-489-7172

  10. Hello, everyone we offers international loans. With the capital used for long-term loans etc, also we give out loans at 2% interest rate so if yes you are really serious in need of a loan to pay off your bills or settle your debt please contact us at our company email address: or whatsApp number: +1(571)-489-7172

  11. Hi,I just graduated from Fiji national university and is looking for a opportunity to as farm worker permanent and full time in your good company plz contact my email plz help me out because it's a very hard time
