Sunday, May 21, 2006

A different perception of history of Australia

We spent Saturday afternoon at Narana, a Geelong Aboriginal venue for education, art sales, indigenous garden, training, worship, meeting halls. It made me think more about point of view and I found this website of an alternative history of Australia from the viewpoint of the 'First Nation' of Australia. So much of the history of the world is written from the point of view of the vavalagi (European) settler rather than from the point of view of the indigenous people. Has a history of Fiji been written yet from a point of view other than the vavalagi academics or journalists?

The Aboriginal flag is pictured here and in recent years has been very prominent in meetings, not just protests, as other Australians, some of us, make an attempt at saying 'sorry' and forming bonds of friendship. The Aboriginal flag flies in Geelong down at the waterfront as our city is committed to respect and that we are on Aboriginal land.

Our program on Saturday was a visit to Narana by 150 or more delegates to a National Conference of the Uniting Church with a Multicultural and Cross Cultural focus.

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