Thursday, May 11, 2006

Crossing rivers to vote

from Peceli
They are crossing rivers, riding on horses, walking over mountains in the countrysides of Fiji to vote in the election. It is interesting to see that ordinary people are making a big effort to put in their votes.
Have the politicians really come down to the people this time? Sometimes this is the only time the parliamentarians go near the country people.
The voting system here in Australia is only for one day, and transport is so easy to get about.
We hope that good people will be elected and that the best people will be chosen to lead Fiji into the future.
One of the pictures is at Nagigi Indian school in Labasa area. The top picture was published in the Melbourne Age today, a tired three-year-old waiting for her Mum to vote. Perhaps they are in a school classroom with the anatomy pic on the wall behind them.


  1. Cute picture. Hoping for the best.

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