Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mangroves in the Labasa area

From Peceli

There are two main types of mangroves in the Labasa area of Macuata province: veitiritiri which are small scrubby trees and veidogodogo which are bigger trees. Saving the mangroves swamp area and little rivers especially in the Macuata coastal are vital for the breeding of sea shell fishes crabs and salt water living trees. Amongst the roots of these mangroves live varieties of edible eels.

I was disappointed with a sawmill close to my area in Vatuadova. I saw all the dust and rubbish covering the shoreline. This place used to be where many men and women went to gather shellfish, crabs, and small fish for their families. The area is now polluted. The Tabia River also carries so much mud downstream from the damage of timber logging.

Along the Labasa river there are also mangrove areas but because of the need for housing and villages many mangroves have been removed. Naseakula area is now all houses where once we as children used to gather fish and crabs.

Even next to our beach in Nukutatava the neighbours cut a whole section of mangroves and that has caused the tides to rush in and the crabs and little shellfish have gone. The photo was taken when this part of the mangroves supplied us with many oysters. Wendy and my sister-in-law Evia collected oysters on the day the photo was taken. The other two pictures show a typical scene of mangroves roots in a river environment and a new plant growing in the sea.

1 comment:

  1. That's sad. It seems we humans sell priceless natural treasures for very short term economic gain, and never learn from it. I wonder if we will ever "wise up".
