Sunday, March 26, 2006

trouble with dial-up and Games finale

Not posting much as my scratchy phone is causing dialup problems - even on my new computer!!!! The telephone man might come tomorrow. the last technician fixed the problem - for 20 minutes only!
Have to check out email and Fiji news at the library.
But I do want to say how awful the Commonwealth Games finale was. I certainly say congratulations to the great and small athletes, especially anyone who did their PB personal best,but a booby prize to the television guys who were so jingoistic about Oz.
Now last night when our Michael Klim was speaking on behalf of the athletes, and should have been respected, that silly, stupid, boring, crass 'Dame Everage' butted in, and we had 'her' awful singing and hundreds of lookalikes! What was the organiser thinking? There was no respect given to the athletes from 71 countries who might not even see any joke or fun in her! It should have been a multi-ethnic, world music, dance party. I remember how one South Pacific games finished up - gorgeous 'Dancing in the Moonlight' to an Aboriginal band, everyone mixing up, dancing. This was in Townsville a few years ago.
That's enough grouching for now.

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