Saturday, March 04, 2006

Eagles and the Nullabor Plain

From Wendy

This morning our interim minister, Richard Franklin, spoke to us of the desert experience of Jesus, amidst the wild animals - metaphorically I guess.

Richard told us of his own experiences in exploring parts of the Australian landscape, of seeing hundreds of wedge-tailed eagles when his family drove across the inhospitable Nullabor plain from South Australian into Western Australia. Recently we have spent time with some young people who are encountering a loss of identity, a great fracturing in relationships, so I wrote tentatively a few lines.

There is a huge nothingness
of the Nullabor experience,
a desert, dry, raw, without comfort.
We have all been there
and need to be.

Then the eagle soars,
strong with a purpose,
lifts with the air
and we know there is more
than this emptiness,
this dry spirit -
part of the journey.

The pic by Richard Woldendorp is entitled 'Where the Great Australian Bight and theNullabor Plain meet'.

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