Monday, February 27, 2006

String Band song about Vorovoro

from Wendy

Peceli is always singing around the house, in the car, in the garden. One of his favourite songs is 'Vorovoro, Malau kei Vuo' about the island of the Mali chief, the port and a village near Labasa. It's a song from about the 1940s because the women in the song were the same age as Peceli's mother. It's the kind of song sung around the kava bowl or by the crew on the ships that go around the islands.

Vorovoro Malau kei Vuo

Vorovoro Malau kei Vuo
Vanua oqori eda dau domona lo
Nisa qai lutu mai na Buto
Lelaleka tu na sala kei Vuo.

Cava cava tale me ganita
Na veiqaravi ena vale nei Rusila
I Alumeci meda mai ciba
Kua na kana vei Torika
O Tabeti Tavoi kei Sereima.

Vei boqi niu gadi ki vanua
kuvuraka tu nai boi ni salusalu
Na vono salele e sa lele tu e baravi
Ciri yawa tu na vakanananu.

Kerekere noqu sere mera tini
O Malau nai kelekele ni Mere
Dua mada noqu kerekere
Kovana meu bau lele
O Kavetani e besebese sara ni tasere.

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